Monday, November 26, 2007

It's delightful, it's, it's de-lovely?

I guess people have different tastes. I hear some people even like broccoli.

Maybe it's because I can't add those nifty toolbar buttons at the library. Or maybe I'm just a luddite. Or maybe I don't have enough bookmarks to make it necessary. I'm perfectly content with my bookmarks on my browser. I know you can't "take them with you," but when I come across something at one location that I think I may want someplace else I just email it to myself.

I find the "look" of very unappealing and even a bit distracting. To each his own, to each his own... (I think I feel another song coming on)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Roly Poly Rollyo

If you haven't already figured out that I'm a children's librarian, well, now you know. I just rolled my own search engine for kids' craft projects! This is fabulous! I can search for craft ideas on Kid's Domain, DLTK, and Enchanted Learning all at once! Woohoo!

Check it out on the right there.

A to Z

Anyone remember that Star Trek episode with the librarian,Mr Atoz, played by ubiquitous character actor Ian Wolf? His library held all of the time periods in his planet's history. Not books on the time periods, but recordings that opened actual portals. Best. Librarian. Ever.

My Library Thing, while not quite as cool, is still pretty fun. I've only entered 15 favorites so far, which means I've got hundreds more to go. It's great to find out that there are other people out there who love some of the more obscure of my favorite books. 27th Kingdom, anyone? The Sea and the Jungle? No? Well, I'm sure I can find someone on Library Thing.

"de"-generating images

I played around with several of the image and text generators linked from The Generator Blog, but finally settled on this one. Courtesy of the Custom Neon Sign Generator

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


The evil plan generator is apparently blocked by SAM. Rats! Foiled again!

The rss feed that ate my brain!

I've never subscribed to any newsfeeds before, so Thing 8 and Thing 9 (not to be confused with Thing 1 and Thing 2)were a brand new experience. I don't think it's really for me. Don't get me wrong. It's a great thing. It's just, maybe, too much of a great thing. I've learned that I must be obsessive or anal retentive or some such thing. I can leave no feed unread. I searched for all sorts of politics and current events related feeds and found a ton I'd like to read. I feel almost compelled to read them all. I could turn into one of those people who can't leave the library while the fire alarm is going off because I might miss my computer turn!

Well, I've temporarily averted the crisis by clicking on "mark all read."