Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The rss feed that ate my brain!

I've never subscribed to any newsfeeds before, so Thing 8 and Thing 9 (not to be confused with Thing 1 and Thing 2)were a brand new experience. I don't think it's really for me. Don't get me wrong. It's a great thing. It's just, maybe, too much of a great thing. I've learned that I must be obsessive or anal retentive or some such thing. I can leave no feed unread. I searched for all sorts of politics and current events related feeds and found a ton I'd like to read. I feel almost compelled to read them all. I could turn into one of those people who can't leave the library while the fire alarm is going off because I might miss my computer turn!

Well, I've temporarily averted the crisis by clicking on "mark all read."

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