Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Social networking and the anti-social librarian

From a personal perspective, I'm not a fan of Facebook or MySpace. Who has the time for this stuff?! I have enough trouble keeping up with my actual life to create a virtual one too.

From a professional perspective, I'm abivalent. I see the value of meeting our teens where they live and they seem to live on social networking sites (though MySpace more than Facebook). Maybe they'd visit a library page. We'll find out soon enough. The YA librarians here are creating a CEL/YA page. They're pretty excited about it and I do hope it's a grand success. iRead would be nice to see on there. If we could get them more excited about reading and/or attending library programs I'm all for it! Yet, I'm not at all certain that they'll be attracted to a library page. And I have some security concerns. Maybe my mother told me one too many times not to talk to strangers.

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